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Administrative Assistant/Trainer/Board Member

Judy White

Judy joined the Brush Creek Family in 2015 when she attained her first German Shepherd Dog, Ranger, from vom Haus Berg German Shepherds.  Judy is a life-long dog owner and had previously gotten her feet wet training a gorgeous harlequin Great Dane named, Sapphire, acquiring a Canine Good Citizen title on her. When Ranger was fully vaccinated he started attending training class at vom Haus Berg, Ranger has his CGCA and TKI titles, he still occasionally shows up at class.  Quentessa vom Haus Berg joined the pack in 2021. Quentessa has been in training class at vom Haus Berg on and off all her life and under the tutelage of Randy and Tracy, Judy and Quentessa earned an RA (Rally Advanced) title in 2022. Lastly, Archer joined the crew in 2022. So far Archer is just getting started on her obedience, we are looking forward to seeing what she can accomplish in the future. If her temperament fits, she will be introduced to therapy work to see if she excels at bringing comfort to people. 


Judy is a part of administrative team, assisting where needed and is part of the training team and a board member.   

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